It’s a living thing

Ecology is more than a simple catalogue of animal and plant species. It is the study of complex interrelationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment. It provides information on the benefits of healthy ecosystems and the means by which we can use resources in a sustainable way.

Today, the unpredictability of climate change, combined with political and social drivers for change, require enthusiastic, forward thinking ecologists to draw together the necessary information and deliver workable solutions. Temple offers bespoke ecological services to facilitate design and implementation, from project inception to completion. This includes a broad range of both traditional and more specialist survey, assessment and advisory services, including:

  • Protected species and habitat surveys
  • Ecological Impact Assessment
  • Management planning and habitat creation
  • Licensing/consents delivery
  • Clerk of Works
  • Habitat Regulations Assessment
  • Biodiversity Net Gain
  • Policy and planning support and expert witness

Services include:

Protected species and habitat surveys Ecological Impact Assessment Management planning and habitat creation Licensing/consents delivery Clerk of Works Habitat Regulations Assessment Biodiversity Net Gain Policy and planning support and expert witness

Our approach to Ecology

Working directly with our clients or as part of joint ventures and strategic partnerships, our large team of specialist consultants provide pragmatic solutions and deliver high quality outputs, based on sound technical advice and an award winning track record in innovation and research. Our collaborative approach balances the needs of our clients and their projects with that of biodiversity. Our ecologists are located across seven regional offices, providing local experience, expertise and knowledge, offering value for money and efficient use of resources, whilst also minimising our impact on the environment.

Key Contacts

Dr Sarah Cox Divisional Director - Ecology
Dr Rachel Saunders Associate Director - Ecology