The Leaway Park Site is located in the far west on the wider Thameside West development and involves a landscape led detailed application comprising public amenity space, with the introduction of a cycle/pedestrian ramp and a pedestrian staircase to join onto the Lower Lea Crossing. The proposed landscape provides ecological enhancements including the creation of a mixture of habitats to reflect the existing open mosaic habitat and wildflower areas; tree planting to promote local biodiversity; dedicated play space toward the southeast and opportunities for seating along the riverside path.
The Site is bound to the north by the Lower Lea Crossing, to the east by a railway line and to the southwest by the River Lea. It is currently unoccupied and contains a mixture of hardstanding and vegetation and is characterised by small, relatively isolated areas of woodland and scrub. It is connected to the wider landscape via the River Thames, the London Canal and the Elizabeth Line railway line. The Leaway Park Site lies with the Thames Wharf Site for Nature Conservation (SINC) and covers 1.1 hectares of land.
Temple managed, coordinated and produced the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Statement of Conformity (SoC), as well as updated technical reports including Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, updated Ecological Surveys (including both Reptile and Black Redstart surveys), Arboriculture Survey and Impact Assessment, a Biodiversity Net Gain Summary Report submitted in response to a net gain and no net loss planning condition and an updated Flood Risk Assessment. Temple provided environmental advice throughout the project and fed into scheme changes as the design evolved, while also coordinating the wider design team as part of bespoke workshops to ensure that environmental considerations were adequately taken into account. This ensured consistency of approach to assessments and collaborative working across the design team.
The experienced EIA team identified and suitably managed risks (including delays and changes to the design freeze) throughout the project. The Statement of Conformity concluded that the details proposed for Leaway Park would not lead to any changes in the effects from those presented in the previous Environmental Statement. Our in-house ecology consultants provided director-level insights and expert advice leading to improvements in the design proposal so it factored the appropriate ecological enhancements for the Site. This included mitigation for potential Black Redstarts in the form of loose gravel/rubble, soft shaded landscaping for potential Reptiles and the management of Buddleja, which is considered an invasive species in London. In addition, a flexible approach from the EIA team enabled us to efficiently manage changes to the design after the design freeze without delay to the required project submission.